M57B Suture Evaluation Simulator

  • M57B Suture Evaluation Simulator


Simple interrupted skin suturing can be evaluated quantitatively by validated evaluation items. Objective evaluation score and record of learning curve would encourage trainees to improve thir skills effectively.


  1. There are three modes for different training purposes
    - Evaluation: objective evaluation for self-learning
    - Learning: reference of examples and recorded data
    - Examination: skills assessment by the instructor
  2. Evaluation analyzed on 6 items leads trainees to "desirable" suture skills


  • 1 unit base
  • 1 skin suturing unit
  • 40 simulated skins
  • 1 USB unit
  • 1 PC with software
  • 1 movie demonstration(CD)
  • 1 storage case
  • 1 instruction manual



Keterampilan Pelatihan

  • Suture: Simple interrupted suture
  • Ligature: Instrument tying

Replacement Parts

11230-010 40simulated skins